It’s Momo’s Birthday!

October 7, 2024
Momo, when she first came to us

This sweet little girl came into our lives two years ago this past August. She started by hanging out with us on our back porch in the evenings. She did it long enough that we began to worry about when the weather would turn cold and where she would go. She wasn’t wearing a collar or showed any signs of ownership by someone else. As a daily walker, I also saw no signs posted about a missing calico cat, so we took her in. 

She’s always been a polite, calm kitty—she doesn’t walk on the counters, bounce off the walls, or get rowdy—though she does get the zoomies up and down the stairs occasionally. She loves tuna (though I can’t give her too much), belly rubs (she lives for belly rubs), and sitting on the front porch. We love her to pieces.

A neighbor knocked on our door about a year later, asking about her since her favorite spot to hang out is on the front porch. My heart sank. I told her we dearly loved her and how much joy she had brought us. 

It turned out that Momo was her daughter’s cat, and she had brought her to Washington since she could not care for her anymore. The daughter worked in Europe with her husband, and they moved around a lot. Thankfully, the neighbor reassured us that she was okay with Momo living with us (she had five or six other cats) and offered to bring us her passport with her vaccination records. 

I was thrilled beyond words. 

So she brought us the passport with her blessings, which shows her birthdate as October 7, 2016. 

First, I think it’s cool that a cat can even have a passport. It shows that she is a European shorthair, which is pretty similar to an American shorthair. The other cool thing is she chose us. As I mentioned, she has brought so much joy and laughter into our lives, joy we wouldn’t have known otherwise. 

Happy 8th Birthday, Momo—may you have many more! 



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